Originating in Germany and bred in France, their characteristics curly and fluffy fur, teddy bear-like appearance, with elegant, fashionable, noble physique, and innocent face makes them popular.π
γπΆThe Things Only a Poodle Owner Would Knowγ
πΈ Very Needy
Poodles are generally gentle and approachable, largely dependent on their owners in everyday life, practically treating owners as their lovers. If their owner is out or has been out of sight for too long, they will become eager to find their owners. They are extremely loyal to their owners.π
πΈSmart and strong in willpower
Poodles are known to have high intelligence. If the owners patiently train them, they are generally willing to learn (except the spoiled).
Personality-wise, they are a little stubborn, and, at the same time, do not easily give up or compromise. π€
πΈRich in emotions
Poodles are possessive, sensitive, delicate-minded. They seem to understand the difference between praise and criticism. They are finicky, capricious, energetic, and need to be cared for like princesses.Β
γπ΄Β Poodle knowledgeγ
Poodles rank 2 in intelligence out of all dog breeds in the world.
There used to be only standard sized poodles, which are considered large dogs. These dogs were used as work dogs and assiged the task of swimming out to retreive game from the water. Later on, miniature-size, toy-size, teacup-size, and other smaller size poodles were bred to be kept as pets for companionship.